The institute goals are as follows:
1- Deepening knowledge of African affairs and preparing the best scientific, training and research programs in the field of African research and studies, and developing them on a permanent basis, so that they keep pace with scientific progress at world level.
2-Commitment to international standards of distinction in the activities, programs and services provided by the Institute, access to quality and accreditation.
3-Forming graduates specialized in African affairs and preparing them in the academic specialties presented by the Institute, so that they become highly competitive globally, and have the ability to continue in research and lifelong learning.
4-Conducting studies and research projects in fields of interest of society and contributing in achieving closer relations between Egypt and African countries.
5-Providing research, consulting, scientific and training services that are required by the beneficiaries of the Institute’s activities, especially from Egypt, civil society segments and private sector.
6- Follow up on the graduates’ affairs, to ensure their continued connection with the Institute’s activities, and to continuously contribute to the development of its capabilities.
7-Deepening Egyptian awareness of the importance of African belonging, improving the mutual image between Egyptians and their African brothers, and strengthening Egyptian and Arab relations with the African continent.
The Institute achieves its core objectives by the following means:
– Organizing lessons, lectures, panel discussions and conferences, and conducting African research and studies, directing and supervising them.
– Publishing research and studies of the African continent.
– Providing the means and tools for scientific research in African affairs.
– Training technicians who are dispatched by governmental authorities, institutions and departments, and directing them to African countries.
– Organizing scientific missions for field studies in African countries.
– Recruiting the largest number of African students to study at the Institute to obtain academic degrees, and training the largest number of African scholars or trainees in training courses for specific periods.